Google Advertising Techniques

Google Advertising

Are you a marketing manager and want to know the trendiest google advertising techniques of 2022? If yes, then this comprehensive guide is mainly written for you. 

We all know that google ads are a platform where you can advertise your business. Google launched this paid advertising podium on October 23, 2000. 

It is categorized in a marketing channel called Pay-Per-Click or PPC. Here you will pay per click or impression on an advertisement. Google is the best practice to drive traffic to your business and increase sales. 

This platform supports you to make and share real-time ads in your targeted group. In addition, it means that your business will appear on the search engine results page when your clients search for the same brand or business services through Google Search or Google Maps. 

If they perceive your ad sensibly, they will come to you to discuss more or make a purchase. 

Moreover, Google ads will also support you to evaluate and refine these ads to attract more people. Hence your business can achieve all of your paid campaign areas. 

It does not matter if you are running a small or large business or have limited resources. Google ads will let you tailor your ads according to your budget.

This platform will let you stay within your monthly set limit or stop advertising costs at any time.

Benefits of Google Advertising

Google ads are the best chance to reach your business at maximum. Here are some of its excellent pros;

  • The clickthrough rate on Google ads is about 8%.
  • Display ads receive 180+ million monthly impressions.
  • Google gets 65% clicks on paid advertisements for those users who want to make a purchase.
  • 43% of consumers purchase products through the ads on YouTube.

Best Google Advertising Techniques for 2022

Launching and implementing a successful ad campaign include several elements. Look at the following best tips to make your ad campaign successful within an affordable budget;

1- Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first and core step of your campaign. If you did not focus comprehensively on this element, you could not get your desired results in the end. 

Before starting your campaign, you should create some keyword ideas. You can also use different helpful tools to make this step easy, as Uber suggests. 

It is free to use and will support you in generating keyword ideas in easy steps. In addition, using it, you can analyze your competitors and their used keywords.

2- Trend Forecasting

Trend Forecasting

Forecasting is a crucial marketing phase. Before embarking on any campaign, you should know what you want to achieve. There are different tools to support you in this regard; keyword planner.

It is from the google ad family. This tool will help you to predict your selected keywords. In addition, it will offer you essential information like the total click on your advertisement in a day, the average rate of those clicks, per-day impressions, clickthrough rate, etc.

So, this information will help you to start creating an effective Google advertising campaign. 

3- Select your slogan 

Select your slogan 

After selecting the keyword and forecasting ideas, now move on to choose your slogan. You should write an attractive and catchy headline. Keep in mind that if your headline is not attractive, it will be automatically skipped without reading by anyone. So, no sale chances. 

The impactive headline can quickly show results while driving new customers. It will persuade people to click on your advertisement. To write a good slogan, you should know your audience and their requirements. 

It should include your keyword and address your targeted group’s problems. Then, through this single line, let them know how your product will help them overpower their issues. 

It is best if it has a humorous touch. 

Creating your slogan is not so simple. You may be stuck about starting it. You should first understand your brand and its strategy and then develop it within one line. 

4- Think about the user’s intentions before moving on to Google Advertising Ideas.

user's intentions

While searching keywords, you should focus on user interest and search volume, CPC, paid difficulty, etc. User intent will let you know the “why” behind your keyword. 

For example, why your focused group searches this keyword, or where they are buying a brand, etc. Focusing on the user interest will support you to find the best ideal and appropriate keywords for high ROI. 

It means that user intent directs your path to exact keywords. Hence, your leads will be automatically boosted. 

5- Advertise Limited Offer Sales

Limited Offer Sales

Any tick-tick offer naturally inspires your focused groups to perform quickly and buy a product. A limited sale offer is best for this. 

In short, it is any deal, discount, or compensation that you give to customers who purchase within a specified period—for example, black Friday. Every year, this sale sets a new record.

It is because your buyers have to wait a long time to purchase your product at a discount in the future. So, they prefer to buy it instantly. For Google Advertising Campaign, if someone gives seasonal sales, he can set ads around these sales. 

6- Track and Use Google Advertising Data for Iterating

Google Advertising Data

KPIs are the most crucial factor of any successful Google ad campaign. You should track important metrics based on your advertisement objectives, including the number of clicks, CTR, CPC, conversion rate, etc.

Tracking your KPIs will let you confirm if you are on the exact stage according to your campaign objectives. For instance, if your ads are getting high clicks, but CTR is not good, your tagline and keywords are good. 

But something is missing in the ad as it may be a copy. Or your ad content is not matching your tagline and keywords. So, you should make the appropriate adjustment to your ad. 

7- Select the Right Campaign for Your Google Advertisement

select the right Campaign

There are five main types of for your Google advertising ideas to choose from; 

  • Search Ad Campaigns
  • Video Ad Campaigns
  • Display Ad Campaigns
  • App Ad Campaigns
  • Shopping Ad Campaigns

8- Perfect Your Landing Page

Landing Page

Your landing page is important because that’s what your users view after clicking on your ad. You should recognize whether your landing page addresses your marketing requirements or not. In addition to this, it is directly meeting the problems of your customers. Testimonials, exact images, shorter forms, etc., will help you create the best landing pages. 

9- Make Your Google Ads Specific

Make Your Google Ads Specific

You should not use too broad keywords. Otherwise, your ad will be shown to the wrong audience. However, it should be more specific. For example, instead of using a “T-shirt,” try to specify it while using a T-shirt for men, boys, etc. Also, try to review your keyword with the time as the searches tend to shift their interest and automatically click. So, your modification will help you to get high conversion. 

10- Target Your Google Ads

Google Ads

When trying to get the right Google advertising ideas, remember three keyword match types: exact, and phrase matches.

  • Exact Match

Rather than just specifying your keywords, you should also focus on using the related word to your keywords in your advertisement. It may be a synonym, plurals, or any other variation. Because if you use your keyword, Google will show your ad when someone searches using the exact words. And if you use related terms, your ads will also be displayed even if someone does not enter the exact keyword. It is because your keyword will match his query. 

  • Phrase Match

In this technique, a keyword match where Google matches your advertisement with only those keywords that include your selected phrase.

11- Optimize Your Google Ads for Mobile

Optimize Your Google Ads for Mobile

When you launch an advertisement, you should remember that most of your audience is mobile users. According to the latest research, 61% of American consumers do their searches through mobile devices. 

So, your ad campaign must be mobile-friendly. It clarifies that you should select responsive landing page formats. In addition, it must have compressed images and a fast loading speed. 

All these factors will help you show your ad in Infront of the exactly focused groups and boost conversion rate. 

12- Your google ad should support multi-languages


Most ad language relies on your business nature; however, if your audience is international, try to design your ad campaign in multilingual. This will help them to clearly understand your messages or brand’s services.

Don’t skip this point. Remember that it is your language that can attract or betray the audience. If a customer shows his interest in your brand but cannot understand it entirely, he may lose interest in it. 

Thus, your sales will be directly affected by this. However, if you exactly know the language of your audience or they are of the same language group, you can focus on moving with the same.  


Generating a competitive Google Advertising campaign is no simple task. It is a time taking process if you focus on increasing traffic and boosting conversions. So by following all the above-given phases, you will get a lot of help to design the best campaign and achieve your targets. 

Click here to learn about marketing campaign management;

How To Manage a Marketing Campaign?

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