Pinterest Vs. Reddit – What Is The Best For Business Marketing?

Pinterest Vs. Reddit

Do you know what Pinterest Vs Reddit is? And which one is better for your business marketing?
This blog post is dedicated to the main difference between Pinterest VS Reddit and their importance for your business development. Go through here;



Pinterest is a place where women can be inspired by other people’s interests and find the perfect outfit for whatever occasion. Brands should take advantage of this trend, as it has been one reason why their business grew so much in recent years.

In the age of social media, it’s not uncommon for sites with a dominant male audience to allow users anonymity which can lead them to unacceptable behaviour if women want to keep their Pinterest account private from men who might try and cyber-stalk or harass them.



Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman, co-founders of Reddit, discuss the power of their news collection site in less than 10 minutes. However, they note that misogynist comments are present, which exclude women from visiting or participating on Reddit due to this type of content being hosted there.

6 Compelling Reasons You Should Use Pinterest for Marketing – Pinterest Vs Reddit


1- Pinterest Converts More Browsers into Buyers

Pinterest has been proven to be the fastest way for people looking to buy or do something specific on social media websites. It reduces the number of steps needed between discovery and conversion, meaning you’ll see results faster than if your site was one amongst many other competitors.

A tweet is worth infinitely less than the number of actual followers it has. So when a user sees someone with 1 million followers, will they buy from that person even if there’s just one tweet, unless maybe when celebrity-suggested? Does not seem that it could happen.

2- Pinterest generates heavy traffic.

Ten million unique views is a lot of traffic for any website, but it’s especially noteworthy on the new and still developing platform called Pinterest. If you rely on your sales to fuel from those vast numbers, there need to be more visitors coming in if we want our business’ prospects or potential customers to grow larger.

Pinterest is a powerful tool that can be used to boost your website traffic. Early research indicates it’s more efficient at guiding people back than other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Josh Davis from Web Design Ledger has some interesting stats on his blog:

  • Pinterest is now the essential social media source of all, and it’s coming at your website like a cargo train.
  • Warbly Parker is a side but reasonable eyeglass retailer who recently reported that 11% of their social traffic comes from Pinterest and 18% on Twitter.
  • Kate Bryan’s first blog was based on her interests, but it never generated many readers. She started pinning the work that she did and quickly saw an increase in traffic from Pinterest. In five months, with over 14000 subscribers and 1 million page views on this new site, hers alone has increased by 797%.

3- Pins Get You More Inbound Links

The best way to market your business on Pinterest is by pinning and repinning images from other sites. The power of these links can help you increase engagement, which means more traffic for the site! If we love when people share our content, imagine how happy it makes us when they link back?

Pinterest is a top-rated site that could provide you with helpful inbound links. These are nofollow. Any link conducting visitors backwards to your website always helps increase rankings for search engines like Google or Bing. It would be beneficial if they rank higher on their own accord.

4- The audience’s addiction is very high. 

Pinterest is all the passion. We never thought it would be something that we’d get into, but then one day, out of nowhere, our addiction started, and then there was nothing to stop us. It doesn’t matter if you deny it or not. Everyone seems to know someone who has found themselves sinking too far down the Pinterest hole.

Pinterest is an excellent place for businesses and retailers to get their pins noticed. The visual nature of the site makes it easy enough that even someone who isn’t on Pinterest all day can scan through tons of images in an afternoon. Whereas scrolling through Twitter might be too much work when you have so many other things going on at once with your life.

5- Pinterest Combines with Your Website, Facebook Profile, and Twitter Account

Pinterest has added the ability to post new pins on your Facebook news feed! In addition, you can now share images with more people in other channels by automatically posting them. Pinterest is a powerful social media tool for promoting a business because it attaches to Facebook profiles. But there’s one major flaw. You can’t share your pins automatically on that platform only. It means marketers have to manually connect their account. Moreover, sharing the link themselves is not so easy when you’re trying to promote something.

Brands can make the most of this social media site by using your email address for both Twitter and signing up with a different account specifically for pins to share what you post across all channels, including blog posts. The best part about being able is to take advantage. When visitors click ‘Pin It’, their link will automatically be added as an ad. That’s why, no extra work is needed from here.

6- Search and deliver your audience favourite content 

If you’re looking for the latest trends in marketing, fashion, or anything else, then Pinterest is an excellent place to start. People love sharing on social media sites like this one right now with their friends and family members all over town. They explore new motivation from those same followers later down the line. As time goes on, they’ll make it easy enough so anyone can view trending data-specific categories through their account.

5 Ways Reddit Helps an Ecommerce Brand – Pinterest Vs Reddit

Reddit: Pinterest Vs Reddit

1- Connect with related communities.

Redditors have an excellent focus for trying to sell on the platform. Unfortunately, there’s no way to hide around and secretly make upvotes. However, there are still some tricky methods you could use when posting content to get more visitors! One such trick is copying blog text into your post or comment. Hence it links back over to who wrote them originally.

2- Create an ad

If Reddit’s traditional methods of participation are over time-absorbing, then pay for an ad. This is from a video game store. The advertisement was placed in the r/SkincareAddicts subreddit. At this stage people discuss skincare products they use every day with acne problems or not-so frequently but have issues keeping their complexion clear.

3- Develop your subreddit.

A subreddit is a place for people in the same industry, products, or service to come and talk about what they do. It is also meant as an open forum where customers can ask questions too! Consider creating your dedicated thread on Reddit that will help meet potential clients while engaging with them at once. Just assign “moderators” who are impatient, answer all inquiries of them from other subscribed members. Ipsy has over 13 thousand subscribers.

4- Host a /r/IAmA

AMA, short for “Ask me anything,” is a popular subreddit where users post questions and discussions. It’s an interactive way to reach many people at once with your expertise on any given topic! The sessions last one hour. Besides this, it make it perfect if you want others interested in what you have said without having the pressure of being timed.

AMA’s are a great way to engage the masses. Furthermore, it is no surprise that celebrities will use them as well. AMA’s are a great way to get your voice heard and share what is necessary with the world. They allow anyone, including CEOs and celebrities like Beyoncé, who hosted one in 2017 and even Barack Obama, to host AMA’s.

5- Get reviews on your company.

Reddit is an excellent resource for finding out what people say about your services, products, and more. For example, we see that members on the Ipsy subreddit have started a discussion thread listing some of their favourite themes or items they would like to see included in each month’s boxes.

This is a helpful response for Ipsy. It would be best if you took note of the queries and thoughts people have when exploring Reddit because they might provide a unique prospect for your brand.


Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to share images and videos. Reviewers found this easier than Reddit. It has less work involved in setting up the site. Moreover, there is also more hands-on support from administrators if something goes wrong or needs fixing. In addition, the company has been known for its quick responses when it comes time for problems like these. This blog of Pinterest Vs Reddit generally focuses on the main purposes of Pinterest and Reddit. Now can you choose one of them or both for your business marketing.

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